Our committees and their members are what make WUHC everything that it is. We recruit new teammates every semester, so stay tuned for opportunities by joining our listserv!
Joining WUHC means access to our vast resources of industry executives, career opportunities, mentors, skill development workshops, alumni database, and more.
Alumni Engagement | Consulting | Conference | Impact | Incubator | Investments | Marketing | Member Engagement | Moonshot Factory | Penn Healthcare Review
alumni engagement
WUHC Alumni Engagement serves as the bridge between over fifteen years of club alumni and current members. Committee members work directly with alumni working in various intersections within business and healthcare, including medicine, academia, consulting, banking, and venture capital. Our goal is to promote mentorship and career development opportunities for undergraduates navigating the space by optimizing networking opportunities with industry professionals and previous club members. Our flagship initiatives include the Alumni Mentorship Program, pre-professional panels, collaborations with graduate student groups, and more!
Vice President of Alumni Engagement: Dahai Yonas
The consulting arm of WUHC serves the dual purpose to assist clients across the healthcare landscape with various strategic initiatives, while also providing members with real-world experience that mirrors a typical case in the consulting industry. We have previously served organizations ranging from Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies to small biotech startups, and will be expanding our client mix in coming semesters.
Vice Presidents of Consulting: Michael Tepperman & Natalie Pan
The Conference Committee is responsible for coordinating the largest undergraduate healthcare conference in the country. Every year, WUHC hosts a healthcare conference inviting leading industry members from all over healthcare to Penn. The Conference Committee spearheads planning, preparation, and execution for the February conference. From reaching out to Penn alumni, developing professional connections, and speaking with leading executives in the industry, the Conference Committee is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience putting together this one-of-a-kind event at Penn.
Vice Presidents of Conference: Josh Hong and Sylvie Sherman
Penn Healthcare Review
The Penn Healthcare Review (PHR) is Penn’s leading and largest undergraduate healthcare journal. It provides a platform for students to explore and publish research, interviews, and reviews on diverse and cutting-edge topics within the healthcare field. Through its biannual editions, PHR highlights emerging trends, offers insights into critical industry issues, and engages industry leaders such as Nobel Prize and Breakthrough Prize winners. Members gain experience in writing, editing, and attending high-profile interviews, contributing to a robust dialogue on contemporary healthcare challenges and innovations.
Co-Editor in Chiefs of PHR: Arjan Kahlon and Shikhar Gupta
service & Impact
WUHC's Health Scholars Program Committee aims to build meaningful connections with the local Philadelphia community. The goal of our committee is to leverage our privilege [as students] to take agency and proactively engage with Philadelphia residents to combat the health-related systemic issues that they are currently facing. While maintaining a grave awareness and cognizance of the harms that UPenn has caused neighboring communities, we seek to provide beneficial and highly socially-aware programs and services. Currently, the Impact Committee runs an annual 8-week program that educates Philadelphia high school students about the healthcare field. Our committee aims to cultivate relationships with Philadelphia community-led organizations to launch new social initiatives. Students in this committee gain opportunities to experience and spearhead positive outcomes of healthcare management on a highly personal and community-driven scale.
Vice President of Service & Impact: Joseph Richards
WUHC Incubator is the hub of healthcare entrepreneurship at Penn. Incubator Committee members will be immersed in the entrepreneurial ecosystem at Penn via an extensive training curriculum on the financing and value creation of startups in the fall. In the spring, committee members will apply their knowledge by developing a comprehensive pitchbook on the state of healthcare startups in the Penn ecosystem, as well as executing the flagship Pitch Competition program— a intensive 10-week mentorship program designed to help undergraduate students develop their own healthcare-related ventures with exclusive access to top industry executives in order to compete for a final cash prize.
Executive Director and Vice President of Incubator: Mustafo Mustafokulov and Christopher Kwok
For those with a passion for the intricacies of the biotechnology industry, much of its complexity remains gate-kept until you enter the workforce post-graduation. WUHC Investments seeks to ignite your interest from an investment perspective while introducing you to the diverse career options within biotech. Our aim is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the industry and the potential career paths at the nexus of biotech and business, along with the guidance and mentorship of our experienced upperclassmen towards achieving these goals. Additionally, we'll host social and pre-professional events throughout the semester in conjunction with other committees, fostering a sense of community and highlighting career progression routes such as banking, investing, business development, and many more!
Vice President of Investments: Elizabeth Jia and Rima Chavali
WUHC Marketing brings together the brightest in publicity and design to maintain WUHC’s brand name, promote all WUHC events, and operate all media channels. The Marketing team works closely with WUHC’s other committees to address publicity needs, ranging from the Penn Healthcare Review Journal Launch trailer to all promotional materials in preparation for the country’s largest undergraduate healthcare conference every year.
Vice President of Marketing: Abraham Medina
Member Engagement
Outside of pre-professional programming, WUHC provides a supportive community that fosters lifelong friendships. Member Engagement is in charge of planning social events, organizing club-wide activities, and facilitating inter-committee relations. In a given semester, the committee hosts 2-3 social events, ranging from Welcome Night to WUHC’s big/little mentorship program. Being a part of this committee offers a valuable opportunity to work with students from all areas of WUHC, and gain hands-on experience in planning exciting events and managing the logistics of a large-scale club.
Vice President of Member Engagement: Emmy Li
Moonshot Factory
WUHC's Moonshot Committee is dedicated to shooting student ideas 'to the moon!' We are a group that transforms innovative student ideas into tangible, impactful semesterly projects. In our committee, we value a collaborative environment in which students passionate about bettering healthcare can channel their creativity and execute initiatives for real-world impact. Past ideas and projects have included organizing mass healthcare hackathons, establishing a student health insurance info hub, developing a comprehensive online platform for mental health support, hosting industry panels, and driving community-centered campaigns. We believe in the power of 'moonshots' - no idea is too ambitious or unconventional. In fact, we try to make every semester different! We welcome anyone who has an innovative and change-making spirit, interested in leveraging their skills to address critical healthcare challenges.
Vice President of Moonshot Factory: HongJu Lee